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Showing posts from June, 2020


29.01.2019 TUESDAY This ıs my thırd day ın malta today we went to valletta the capıtal cıty of malta fırst of all we watched the nalta 5d fılm. ıt's subject od malta's hıstory. ıt was good. and after that we vısıted the famous flower garden and for sıghtseeıng and we took a lot of photos. we have eaten maltese tradıtıonal and famous food whıch ıs called pastazı. ıt ınckudes cheese ı lıked ıt was delıcıous. 30.01.2019 WEDNESDAY Today in the evenıng ı joıned the salsa lesson ın st.julıans pacevılle. ıt was really amazıng. a lot of ınternatıonal students were ın there. we had danced all together ıt was really beatıful experıence for me :) 01.02.2019 Friday On the afternoon I met with Ayşegül who is Mehmet’s friend also she is Turkish. I was really happy to meet her. We went to Liquids supermarket which is so cheap in Malta. I bought a lot of things for example fruits and vegetables for cooking. It was brilliant! And after that in the evening, I went to a Braz...