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16.02.2019 SATURDAY-BARCELONA-SPAIN   We went to Barcelona-Spain. That is a really fantastic and amazing city. There are a lot of historic, huge and old buildings on all the roads.  Their roads are too narrow. We went on a sightseeing tour with the bus the whole day.  It was an amazing tour. I loved too much Barcelona.  We ate traditionally Spanish food Tapas, Paella, and we drank traditional Spanish drink Sangria.  🍤 This is Michelle's first time and she loved it We went to Barcelona Market?  It was too big. We saw and ate unfourtanely different types of gum and sweets and chocolate. There were incredible. Spanish people were too friendly.  They always wanted to help us. They can speak English very well not as Sicilian people.

Emotional Intelligence

Opinions expressed by  Entrepreneur  contributors are their own. Human emotion is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Emotions start wars and create peace; spark love and force divorce. While unavoidable, emotions are also indispensable sources of orientation and propel us to take action. But unbridled emotion can make us and those around us to act irrationally.  Emotional intelligence  is a relatively new construct, but its impact on how we work will be significant moving forward. The first academic article on emotional intelligence appeared in 1990, but the topic didn’t become mainstream until Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book,  Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ . Related:  How to Improve Communication Between Generations in the Workplace Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s personal emotions and the emotions of others. Knowing how you'd feel in a certain situation helps you to gauge how others w...

How can HR Professionals be working remotely during the pandemic?

Not everybody has been able to shift to telework and some of those who are working remotely still  struggle with the technology, isolation, and distractions of work from home  (WFH). But 66% of all employed U.S. workers say they can be effective when working remotely, according to the most recent LinkedIn  Workforce Confidence Index the survey , our biweekly check-in on the attitudes and anxieties of the U.S. workforce.  Impressive? Yes. But check this out: The same survey found that 85% of  HR professionals  say they can be effective with work from home (WFH). In some ways, HR professionals are fortunate: Their roles don’t demand physical work that can only be done on-site like construction or manufacturing production, and their work doesn’t require the physical presence of other people, like it does for a film crew or professional soccer or basketball players. But the nimble embrace of remote work also comes about because successful HR professi...


03.02.2019 SUNDAY SICILY-ITALY today we went to Sicily with my college friends by ferry. first of all, we visited etna volcano ıt was fantastic. I bought a Sicily magnet and I ate tuna salad in the Etna Volcano. after that, we moved modica which is the most famous chocolate city in Sicily. it was a really nice city. also when we were going to modica from etna I saw a lot of nice countrysides, villages, and places near the way. Modica is a lovely city. I loved it too much  we bought a magnet and chocolate from Modica. we visited big churches in Modica. we took lots of photos. finally, my Sicily trip was incredible, fantastic and amazing 🤩 09.02.2019 SATURDAY GOZO-COMINO-MALTA today we went to Gozo-comıno&blue lagoon ısland harbor cruıse tour wıth Rebecca and mıchelle. fırst of all ıt was really terrible for me. because sea sıck to my stomach ı was really bad. but after that mıchelle gave me a medıcıne ı was better. Gozo ısland ıs bıg there is a lot of shop store ho...


29.01.2019 TUESDAY This ıs my thırd day ın malta today we went to valletta the capıtal cıty of malta fırst of all we watched the nalta 5d fılm. ıt's subject od malta's hıstory. ıt was good. and after that we vısıted the famous flower garden and for sıghtseeıng and we took a lot of photos. we have eaten maltese tradıtıonal and famous food whıch ıs called pastazı. ıt ınckudes cheese ı lıked ıt was delıcıous. 30.01.2019 WEDNESDAY Today in the evenıng ı joıned the salsa lesson ın st.julıans pacevılle. ıt was really amazıng. a lot of ınternatıonal students were ın there. we had danced all together ıt was really beatıful experıence for me :) 01.02.2019 Friday On the afternoon I met with Ayşegül who is Mehmet’s friend also she is Turkish. I was really happy to meet her. We went to Liquids supermarket which is so cheap in Malta. I bought a lot of things for example fruits and vegetables for cooking. It was brilliant! And after that in the evening, I went to a Braz...

Human Resources-Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers

Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers Research shows that many job candidate will be expected to answer a high percentage of these ten questions during the job interview. 1.       What do you like most and least about your current job? The interviewer is assessing your match with the job opportunity. when referring to what you like about your current job highlight an aspect that relates directly to the job you are interviewing for when discussing what you dislike about your current job avoid referring to any duties or tasks that are part of the job you are interviewing for avoid personal attacks on your colleagues, managers and the organization 2.         How do you deal with conflict? Every job, team, and organization contains an element of conflict. The interviewer is exploring your approach to conflict with the top ten interview questions like this. What resources do you use to manage conflict at work? Ho...


Dear All, My aim is to write there actually describing the best life adventures of my whole life. 2019 is the best year absolutely. Maybe my post could influence someone who would like to become his/her dreams come true. My first abroad experience has started with a radical decision. Before I had never been abroad even as a tourist only for a few days since I went to Malta in 2019. I wanted to meet new cultures and develop my English skills as well through resigning from my job. Therefore I quit my job on 4th January 2019 and set up my journey on 26th January 2019  from  İstanbul Atatürk Airport to Malta Airport 😍 When I landed in Malta around mid-night one gentleman came to welcome us. We got in a car besides we could go to our hotel with one Colombian girl and a Russian girl. The next day I really felt lonely owing to the first day I have been to Malta. Therefore, I went for a walk outside near the seaside. Malta is a really lovely and small island, I caug...

Pandemi-İK-T.Ç ve bunlarda zamana notlar olsun...

Herkese Merhaba, Tam dört yıl sonra bu satırları yazarken aslında yüzyıllar sonra bile yazılacak büyük bir pandeminin tam ortasından geçerken yazıyorum. Tüm dünya olarak çok büyük değişim ve dönüşüm günlerini beraber deneyimliyoruz. Bu günler asla hiç bir şeyin eskisi gibi olmayacağının kanıtı dijital dünya yüzyılının başlangıcı verilmiş oldu. Herkes evlerden çalışıyor, online araçlara ve yazılımlara istatistiklere bakıldığında %100'den fazla tercih edilme sıklığı olduğunu görüyoruz. Peki ben bu süreçte neler yaptım?😉 16 Mart Pazartesi 2020 tarihinden beri karantinadayım, 3-5 kere markete ve karşı bloktaki ablama gitmek dışından evden hiç çıkmadım. Bu süreçte kendime, hayatıma ayna tutulmuş gibi dışarıdan bakma şansım oldu.  Neler yaptım ben? Neler yapıyorum? Hayatımda neleri istiyorum? Ben bu döneme olumsuz bakmayanlardanım tam aksine keyif alanlardanım. Kendi adıma uzun zamandır  yapmak istediğim ama yapamadığım bir çok şeyi yapma fırsatı buldum. O kadar çok ş...